Shifts To Balance, 2-year recap

Bring awareness to every happening

Time passes without the notion of every single second. You only notice the true length of a second when doing planks or running, right? It takes a milestone or a defining moment to make you stop and bring awareness to the time and effort that it took for dreams to materialize as opposed to how long it felt. Do you know that feeling?

This brings us to this month's post. It's been TWO years since this blog started. Happy Blogaversary Shifts to Balance! The funny thing is that it doesn't feel like two years have passed. It took a while to come to terms with this milestone. Why? For one, many limiting beliefs - consistency was never a strong suit - but mostly, because I have not taken the time to evaluate the effort behind each published blog. The goal has been to create simple content to help you, but while doing so, many things and life-changing moments have surfaced.

To bring attention to and honor every second, every post, that has taken form in the last 2 years, this post shares 12 lessons and insights that highlight my journey toward a healthy thyroid, body & mind. A tribute to this sustainable way to support my healthiest version, to the materialization of a dreamed lifestyle that is flexible and joyful.


Honor your preferences and circumstances.

A transformation journey is never easy but it's crucial to enjoy the process of becoming your best version. This happens when you plan considering all the elements in the present state, not just the future you desire. This is possible when you take into consideration your preferences and leverage them to make the process genuine to you.


Prioritize Sleep - Rest.

Is not just about the number of hours at night. It's about getting the quality rest that recharges the battery properly and supports the body's processes to repair, restore and heal.


Tap into creativity & spirituality to nurture joy.

Humans are entities with imagination and a need to belong and tether to the world around them. Without these components in the transformation or healing formula, the actions have no substance or meaning beyond a caloric/mechanic transaction. Find activities that nurture your essence and you will find the best reason to unlock your healthies version.


Restrictive Nutrition is not a long-term solution.

Diets need a specific goal and due date. Not to go back to old ways, but to restart the system and then proceed with a better protocol moving forward.


Bio-individuality is your compass.

Finding inspiration in others' journeys is more than welcome, but mimicking every effort to the T is sabotage. That tailored made approach to your health is key to the success of your efforts.


Gratitude is the antidote to stress triggers and the precursor to abundance.

If possible - practice it daily. You don't need much to do a gratitude practice, keep it simple and consistent!


Nurture your nervous system daily.

It's not normal that stress rules the world today. It's a choice to allow that to happen. While it's a natural response to the triggers and culture of the times it's not the only way to live. You can and have to do something about it!


Schedule joyful activities proactively, not over spare time.

Make it core and central to your journey. Plan for it, don’t wait to stumble upon it. If you create a life you enjoy living, you value your sacrifices with intention as oppose to just rules.


Build Muscle Strength - Exercise Weekly!

It's the best bio-hacking of all. There is a way of training for everyone if you look properly and honor your preferences. Is true when they say if you don’t use it you lose it!


Calibrate your mindset - is the biggest asset for your health.

Self Love is more than just a vibe or a trend. It's the core principle to trust your capability to change and become a better version of yourself. Before any diet regimen or any trendy exercise, train your mind to accept and love yourself wholeheartedly and unconditionally.


Set boundaries with conviction and intention.

Vouch and advocate for your goals, if you don't nobody will do it for you.


Focus on the journey, not just the destination.

Pay attention to miracles, highlights, and shocking moments during the journey! Honor every building block that allows you to get to the next step and you'll soon realize what a fantastic story your transformation chapter is! Don’t wait to get ‘there’ to celebrate or capitalize on wins.


I invite you to do this exercise on your journey. Regardless of how deep or how long you have gone at it, bring awareness of each insight and lesson that you have gained. Go beyond weight loss or lab results. Think of the person you have become, of the simple shifts/changes that brought you more than you could imagine, of the community you have built because of it.

Favorite Blog Posts to Date

Try these shifts having your preferences and circumstances in mind. Modify as you see fit. If you would like an even more personalized approach reach out and let’s get on a free call to see what are your options.


From my journey to yours

What's next?

If you feel it in your heart to share it with the world please do so, others might get the hope and inspiration to pursue their journey. If you want to keep it to yourself that's great too. If you want to share it but feel others won't care or listen, I would love to know them. Share them in the box below.

If after reading this blog post you feel compelled to start, remember it's not about something drastic. It's about small shifts until you reach a balanced lifestyle you enjoy living and supports your well-being. Click on other posts for more inspiration or specific topics.

To many more blog posts at Shifts To Balance!

Until Next One!

Stay happy, stay healthy, Stay BALANCED,



